Using fresh-from-the-farm pastured eggs, in this techniques class you’ll learn and practice the best ways to prepare eggs, first, simply scrambled, fried, poached, and hardboiled then magnificently as French-and American-style omelets, Italian frittata, Persia kuku, deviled eggs, and the ultimate soufflé. You will master emulsions in two types of homemade mayonnaise and discover the proper way to whip egg whites and use them make an ehteral dessert.

Asparagus, ricotta, and Ram Milk Parmesan Italian Frittata
You’ll be making:
- Wild Lox, Goat Cheese and Tarragon Omelets
- Avocado-goat Cheese-Pickled Red Onion Omelets
- Asparagus, ricotta, and Ram Milk Parmesan Italian Frittata
- Crusty Spinach-Ricotta-Raw Milk Gruyere Kuku
- Deviled Eggs with Two Types of Homemade Mayonnaise
- Make-Ahead chocolate Soufflé