Myra brings together rich hues and earthy, heady flavors for a dinner party that celebrates our strong connection to the harvest. Collectively, these deeply satisfying dishes comprise the ideal party menu, since mush of their preparation can be done in advance, making party day less stressful by far.
From fresh homemade pasta for the ravioli to exquisite dessert cakes, this menu combines the best of all worlds: delicious, fun to make, and lets you relax.
Braised Escarole and Tatsoi with Almonds and Pomegranate Seeds
You’ll be making:
- Leek, Zucchini, and Carrot Quesadillas with Goat Cheese and Basil Pesto
- Homemade Pumpkin, Sage, and Pecan Ravioli with White Bean and Garlic Sauce and Sage-Butter Sauce
- Braised Escarole and Tatsoi with Almonds and Pomegranate Seeds
- Individual Olive-Oil Pound Cakes
- Glazed Honeycrisp Apples in Brandied Syrup